location photography in a storytelling style. susanne michelus portrait work captures people from all walks of life in a wide array of settings. she was born and raised in germany and there she studied photography with gottfried jaeger. susanne continued her studies in new york. with her photography its all about YOU. what will your story look like ? www.susannemichelus.com

Community of Unity

Community of Unity has been called the most effective youth development program in New York City, transforming the lives of students, and in turn, the culture of their schools. Through peer group meetings and one-on-one mentoring Community of Unity staff provide stable, trusting relationships and non-denominational spiritual tools to help students seek their true purpose and potential, and to make good choices.

Staff and students alike rely on people just like you to make the program possible and there are lots of ways to get involved, whether you are an educator or just an interested citizen. Join us in helping transform our communities, one life at a time.

for more information please visit:





My photo
in the past four years i specialized in working with mothers, children, youth and family; it’s what i enjoy and love the most since i’m a mom myself. with my photography it’s all about you, about a moment, an afternoon or a day in your life; with a range from a portrait session to a full documentary or special occasion in your life. i take on private commission and commercial assignments with a main focus on women, children and youth support. what will your story look like ?